Everything started out great... blended everything together, stuck it in the fridge overnight, put some perfect looking cookies on the pan and into the oven. But then, the timer went off, I took them out of the oven... almost done, just one or two more minutes, let's stick them back in... and here comes my 10-month old son, teetering towards the oven as it's open. Oh no!! I panic, turn my body to block him from touching the oven, and off slides the parchment paper with all of the cookies - right down into the crack of the oven door.
Here's what it looked like, though the pictures make it look better than it actually was.
And here's what I scraped out of there... this actually looks like it could be yummy if it weren't so dirty down in the oven door!
So after all of that mess was finally clean, I had several pans that came out great and I still ended up with an abundance of cookies. They were soft and chewy and just perfect. I will definitely make these again. For the recipe, check out Stefany's blog Proceed With Caution. Thanks for picking this one, Stefany!
mmm.. love the last picture! lovely cookies i agree. pity about the initial mess.. but oh well, alls well that ends well.
good save, though, mom -- toddlers trump cookies, every time! i'm glad you had more dough after the near toddlergate disaster. they're such nice cookies.
Oh, your finished product looks absolutely perfect! Baking is always an adventure with little ones around, isn't it?
Beautiful cookies.
Someone else had perfect cookies.
Mine are all lumpy.
SO SCARY! But I love the photos of the rest of your cookies! I would have eaten them right off of the oven door by the looks of it!
My kids are all grown up, but one still lives at home. I don't worry about them getting to close to the oven door anymore. I only worry about them eating me out of house and home! :)
Yikes! OH sad and scary tale, but then redemption. Glad everyone is safe and cookies were saved in the end.
At least you were able to get a few good ones!
Made these cookies last week & they were fantastic. Thanks for the recipe.
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