Tuesday, June 9, 2009

TWD: Parisian Apple Tartlet

For this week's Tuesdays with Dorie, the group is baking the Parisian Apple Tartlet, selected by Jessica of My Baking Heart.

When I heard we were making a Parisian Apple Tartlet, I thought about skipping this week. I kind of assumed the tartlet would involve making some sort of tart dough and an apple-pie type filling and I just didn't feel like exerting a whole lot of effort. Then I opened the cookbook and saw the picture and thought, this looks cool. Then my eyes landed on the recipe. Am I reading this right? FOUR ingredients and very few steps? Huh? You better believe I wasn't going to sit this one out!

So in a matter of fifteen minutes, I had my two little tartlets assembled. Many of the group were trying out pears and peaches and other fruits, but I decided to stick with the apple. And here's what it looked like before I popped it in the oven.

They smelled so great and I was still in shock over how little I had just done for these cute little tartlets. They lost some of their color and weren't all that impressive fresh out of the oven, but a drizzle of caramel syrup and some ice cream on top did the trick! They were delicious and I'll definitely make these again.

For the recipe, go check out My Baking Heart.


Sabrina said...

That looks so good! I love the scoop of icecream! YUM!

Jessica said...

I just love that perfect scoop of ice cream sitting on top with the sauce drizzling down it. The whole thing looks divine. I haven't made mine yet but I'm planning on having one for dessert this evening.

Jamie said...

That caramel drizzle looks amazing! Nice job!

Peggy said...

those look delicious. Love the scoop of ice cream on top!! :)

Anonymous said...

Your tartlets look perfect! I wish I would have had some ice cream to put on top.

Jaime said...

easy peasy right? looks great, esp w/the ice cream!

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

ooh! love the caramel swirl on the top!

Jessica of My Baking Heart said...

Thanks so much for baking along with me this week! The caramel sauce and ice cream look lovely on the tartlet! :)

Pamela said...

Love that last shot with the ice cream!! Yours look just like the book, too!

Amy said...

Love the caramel on top, looks so good!

Heather said...

Picture perfect! I like that you used some caramel syrup and of course, icecream.

Linda said...

caramel and ice cream - what perfect accompaniaments for your tartlets. yum, yum, yum!

Heather said...

oh my gosh! that is so beautiful! i wouldn't have been able to eat it... until i realized how tasty it must be, and then i'd gobble it up!!!

Passionate Baker said...

your tart looks FLAWLESS!
great job !

Unknown said...

Great job! I love your photos of your beautiful tartlets. Wish I'd thought to throw a little caramel on mine :)

MacDuff said...

These are gorgeous! It is amazing just how easy they are to make...loved them.

Cathy said...

Your tart is GORGEOUS! So funny - I had the same thought about this being too much trouble when I first saw a tart was picked. But after I read the recipe I had the same reaction - no way I'm skipping this one! Maybe the dacquiose :-) This tart is definitely a keeper!

CB said...

Oh man! I'll take 2 of the last picture please. Heavy on the caramel and ice cream! YUM!

Steph said...

That looks so good! I love the shot with the icecream.

Caroline said...

That looks beautiful with the ice crea and caramel on top - I'm going to bookmark that for a fall recipe. I just can't get out of the strawberry mode right now!!

Maria said...

Gorgeous dessert!

hanna said...


Anonymous said...

Your tartlet looks so cute and yummy with that perfect ball of ice cream on top! I nominated your blog for a blog award. You you want to play along, it's on my Paula blog. www.mygirlpaula.blogspot.com ;)