You see, my 70-pound golden retriever has some real issues. She's very well known for eating things that she shouldn't. But the problem is that she tricks me. That's right, she tricks me, so it's not my fault. She goes through these spurts where she's really, really bad for about two weeks straight. We don't leave her alone in the house, we remove all items from the countertops and we keep a close eye on her at all times. And then she all of a sudden goes back to being a really good dog... for a good 6 months or so. Then we get really easy on her - leave her in the house to roam free while we're not around, no accidents, no problems, nothing. And she's a perfect little angel. For such a long time that we forget she ever had a problem. Until she suddenly strikes again.
I made this week's assignment, the Fresh Ginger and Chocolate Gingerbread. I used an 8x8-inch pan and had leftover batter. I decided I'd make muffins with the leftover batter and threw in some cranberries for extra flavorful muffins. I fortunately even snapped a quick picture of them fresh out of the oven:
And then, since everyone said the gingerbread was better the second day, I wrapped them all up well and sat them waaaay in the back corner of my countertop to sit for a day. The next morning my family and I went out for several hours. Then, get this - my husband and I had the conversation on our way home about how great Sandy (our dog) has been lately.
When we arrived home, we very unsuspectingly walked into the house. And then Sandy ran under the coffee table and started wagging her tail in a very guilty manner. That's a sure sign she did something bad while we were gone. Except... I didn't see anything at first. But then I step into the kitchen and see this on the countertop and the floor:
And then it hits me... where's the gingerbread?!?! WHERE IS THE GINGERBREAD?!?!?
I know right where it is - in Sandy's stomach. Before you start to worry, she has eaten worse. Some of which include an entire package of chocolate fudge, a chocolate rum cake, and numerous tissues and paper products. She clearly must have a stomach of steel because she's always fine after eating such things. And to make the situation a tad bit better, my sister-in-law and a co-worker of hers who are both veterinarians, were staying at our house that weekend for a work conference they had to attend. So Sandy was in good hands following this debacle. Unfortunately, the veterinarians had no dessert while they stayed with us.
I think the worst part of this is that I reeeally wanted this gingerbread. I didn't even get a tiny, single, little bite. That darn dog.
Well, if anyone wants the recipe, you'll find it on Heather's site Sherry Trifle.
Better luck next week!
Melissa, this is certainly the best TWD post I have read in a long, long time! I'm so sorry you didn't get to eat any of the cake, as it was really quite good. But this story is just one for the ages. Glad Sandy is doing okay. Thanks for sharing!!
Oh that is funny! I mean I'm so sorry you lost your gingerbread!
I think sometimes they just can't help themselves! Our dog performed an amazing feat recently and we still can't figure out how she got up on the counter. Goodies have been living on top of the fridge lately!
You have me laughing!! That is the greatest story...but kind of sad you didn't get to enjoy your cake!! I am glad the dog liked it!
I mean dog stories just don't get much better than this! My dog took a huge bite out of a cake I decorated for a class once! I was so upset. Then, I laughed a few minutes later. This story is so Marley and Me! I am sure your GB was perfect.
I guess you'll have to make it again.
ROFL! That Sandy! This is almost as bad as when the Bumpus's dogs ate the Christmas turkey in A Christmas Story, and they ended up having Christmas dinner at the Chop Suey Palace (you didn't end up going to the Chop Suey Palace for dessert, did you?). In any event, your gingerbread looks great, and I think this has got to be the best review that this chocolate gingerbread has gotten yet!
Bahahahaaa! I am only laughing so hard because my 75 pound German Shepherd ate one of my minis. I was home though. Bad dogs!
Sorry you didn't get to eat any of your gingerbread!
What a funny story!
You'll definitely want to make this again! It's SO good!
Oh no. This cake was truly amazing. You need to make it again. Sandy thought it was great!
Oh wow - a picture is worth a thousand words! So funny, but so sad your entire cake was highjacked! I wish I had a dog to give ours too. For my family this recipe was a miss. Better luck next week!!
oh man! that is sad, but hilarious ;) glad your dog was ok afterwards!
Aaaawww ... sorry you didn't get any gingerbread but I'm glad to hear your dog is ok!
Oh no! I think you need to make it again and guard it. With cats or something.
I bet Sandy would have licked all those crumbs if you arrived a few minutes later! You definitely have to make another batch again :)
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HAhahahahahaha oh how CUTE! My parents dog does the same thing... last Christmas he ate an entire TRAY of cookies - all 150 of them! This Thanksgiving, he ate an entire apple crumb pie! And he just looks so happy afterwards!
Well, your cake looked great!!! I'm sure she enjoyed it!
So funny. I have a 70-pound golden retriever, and he does exactly the same thing. He throws us off guard with good behavior but it's usually in preparation for the most daring steal of his life. And I so know that guilty tail wag, with the slightly-lowered head. Dead giveaway!
Oh no, at least your dog doesn't get sick afterward - that is just adding insult to injury. You better keep the world peace cookies far away from her next week.
TOOOOOOOOOOOOOO funny!!! I sympathize. My golden ate my lawn furniture. Trust us, the gingerbread is good. Hope you try it again - and hide it from the pup.
oh, so funny! I AM sorry for your dessertlessness, but the pictures of the crumbs on the floor and counter are totally cracking me up! Bad Sandy!
I think you should do a TWD two-fer next week, just so the humans get to taste the gingerbread, too. ;-)
Yikes! I'm sorry about your gingerbread. We have a cat that is constantly eating people food; I have to keep all baked goods at least 7 feet above ground or else he'll snatch it.
I missed this post last week, but am so glad I found it! Laughing but in complete understanding. My dog has eaten several chocolate cakes in her time as well as trying very hard to demolish a 10 pound block of chocolate (I think she got about a pound in her. That one ended with chocolate dog barf all over our oriental rug). But I'm going to tell you that imo this wasn't a bad one to lose to the dog.
I know I am reading this a little late but I had to comment because that is really a funny story and now I know my dog isn't the only naughty one. About a month before Christmas I decided to make cinnamon ornaments to give as presents. Since these weren't actually cookies or edible (they have a couple tablespoons of glue in them), I figured that the dog wouldn't even THINK of eating them. Well he did. And I was so worried (the vet said he would be fine). But, like you I didn't notice it at first. And there were no crumbs in my case! I thought I was going crazy and that I must have put them away!
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